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Called to Serve


Welcome to PHÅŒS Church! We are excited to get you plugged in to serve God and your neighbors. Whether you’re a new Christian or a seasoned believer, we are eager to see what opportunities God has for you.

Small projects or big projects, they all make a huge difference. 

Before you jet off to Kenya on a mission trip or serving coffee on Sunday mornings, we require that you become a member of our church. We know that commitment can be daunting, but we believe that membership is a biblical foundation set up by the early church. Membership brings so many blessings into a believer’s life, blessings that they would otherwise miss out on by not joining. 


Every month at PHÅŒS Church, on the fourth Sunday of the month, we will have the opportunity for membership directly following the morning service. If you have questions regarding membership, email with the subject line, “Membership”.


If you are a member, we have many ministry opportunities for you. You have your own unique, God-given personality and talents that should be used for His glory, and we look forward to working alongside you as you discover your calling in the Church.


 PHÅŒS Church

We're so happy you're here!

Office Email:

Phone: 586-979-4440

Address: 37535 Dodge Park Rd

Sterling Heights, MI 48312, USA

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